The countdown has begun to our presentation of The Moving Wall, October 12-17 at Chase Palm Park, Santa Barbara and your help is needed to make this display the best ever!
This year there will be a tent at each end of the Wall and so our requirement will be to have at least two volunteers for each shift (except overnight) in each tent. There will be two computers and a printer in each tent, allowing for faster searching for those wishing to locate a name on the Wall. This database program is very easy to use and anyone can learn it in a matter of minutes.
The Wall will be open 24/7 with the primary watch times as follows:
Wednesday, Oct. 12: 12noon-3p, 3p-6p, 6p-10p, 10p-6a (overnight).
Thursday, Oct. 13: 6a-9a, 9a-12 noon, 12 noon-3p, 3p-6p, 6p-10p, 10p-6a (overnight).
Friday, Oct. 14: 6a-9a, 9a-12noon, 12noon-3p, 3p-6p, 6p-10p, 10p-6a (overnight)
Saturday, Oct. 15: 6a-9a, 9a-12p, 12p-3p, 3p-6p, 6p-10p, 10p-6a (overnight)
Sunday, Oct. 16: 6a-9a, 9a-12p, 12p-3p, 3p-6, 6p-10p, 10p-6a (overnight)
Monday, 6a-9a, 9a-12noon (Wall is dismantled starting around noon).
The shifts are three hours each (with the exception of the 6p-10p shift and the overnight 10p-6a) to accommodate those that may be working during the weekdays or have a limited amount of time they can volunteer during the day. Anyone can certainly spend more time at the Wall and cover more hours and more shifts as they feel comfortable.
IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WORKING AS A DOCENT IN THE TENT OR AT THE WALL: You will be required to attend one of two orientation sessions on either Thursday, October 6 at 7pm or Saturday, October 8 at 1pm. The location is the Free Methodist Church, 1435 Cliff Drive, Santa Barbara (corner of Santa Cruz Blvd). You’ll receive instruction on how to use the Etched In Stone software program to locate names on the Wall, rules for visitors at the Wall, how to respond to various situations at the Wall along with an FAQ sheet.
If you would like to be a docent volunteer during the six days, please leave a message at 805.284.6372 with your contact info on the VVA phone line for volunteer coordinator Cathy Matter or e-mail your interest to the chapter.